Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The traditional New Year post (a bit late this time) .

"Some are born mad. Some remain it." Samuel Beckett
So what can i say about this year unless that it was another average year with surprising and amazing moments . Or a surprising amazing year with average/boring moments, glass half full or glass half empty?!
Oh well who cares, as long as i have a glass in my hand and friends around me. right!

2013 ey, loads of things have changed during that year, i will not get into too many details.. A lot has changed but i haven't really, well i did but bleh.
I know I've come a long way already, but life is an ongoing process. And we're never really done evolving.
So here goes, Things for 2014 [things i think i & humans in general should do.]

- Get my shit together, starting with cleaning my messy messy room! 
 - Put yourself first sometimes. You know sometimes you live your life as a dusty potato until someone (or a book/movie/song) says something that makes you understand that you're worth it. And that you too should be treated like a nice shiny apple. (Yes a shitty food analogy, deal with it, it's 2014!) 
- Get an cool internship before 2015!
- Eat more types of food, seems dumb but that's really something. Like taste that weird looking unpronounceable asian dish! And taste more unusual food (i hear fried worms are super tasty!) 
- Go back to the Motherland! #nuffsaid
- Meeting interesting people. I love having unusual friends, more than that i love having friends who seem very normal until you get to know them. Those are the one with the interesting (sometimes fabulous) stories. 
- Travelling. So this year alone i went to Prague, Amsterdam, France (Paris) and Spain (Girona). That was a first of all four. I only spent a day in Prague but for the other three i had an amazing time & met some petty cool people. I seriously need more of that! (I'm thinking maybe an Italy Tour for next time..) 
- To follow the previous statement, i should seriously start getting active on CouchSurfing. That shit is great! I spent my New Year's celebration in a camp in the middle of the forest outside Girona in Spain. It was a CS event with people from everywhere who have been everywhere. Most of them were 10 or 20 years older than me but i seriously couldn't feel the age difference. See their years of adventures and interaction with new cultures & people made them forever young at heart. They are free, loving, caring, open minded like no other. [That's a way of life!] 
- Get a proper job so i can travel more & go to tons of festivals! (Woodstock in Poland, anyone? ) 
- (I've given up a while back telling myself to diet. Food taste too good, fuck you Cosmo & Vogue. I'm chubby and [kinda] fabulous!)
 - Find a purpose. A passion, something that makes me wake up in the morning and stay awake at night. Something that is stronger than the rest.
- No judging, just loving (this one speaks for itself).
- Actually actively try to learn German. Yes it ia hell, but it would be nice for once to answer something else than "Ich spreche kein Deutsch, sorry." I mean how amazing is this word " Schwangerschaftverhütungsmittel" right! (-_-") [also some Germans are quite cute so that!]
- Improve my Spanish, that language is muy sexy!
- Do not be afraid of the world, it is full of possibilities that are just waiting to be taken.
- Enjoy every moment.That moment when you're walking at the beginning of the summer and a beautiful song plays. The sun is heating your face, the boys are are wearing colourful tshirts, life is just amazing!
- Appreciate the little things, like a warm shower to start or end the day. 
- Do something most people (or you) think you cannot do. Choose one and give it my best or at least try, hard!
- Do more cultural things. This one has been on my list for a while. Even tho i know random things abt random things, i have never read "To kill a Mocking Bird" or anything by Edgar A. Poe or Jean Paul Sartre or seen any Hitchcock movie. 
- Not judge a book by its cover. Just because people are beautiful, smart, outgoing and nice doesn't mean that their life is always completely perfect. There is no reason to be jealous or wish them some of your current bad lucks. A good friend of mine once said "There is no need to be jealous,cause in the end it only depend on you to make a difference."
- Learn to cook yummy things, like a strawberry pie!  
- Get more wine-knowledge. Cause it's nice being fancy :) And because while in France I was completely lost when it came to which wine to buy. Cabernet Sauvignon? Chardonney? [all i know is Shiraz is a big NO!]
- Re-connect with an old great friend.
- Be loved, Share love, Make love.
May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. 
And may you be in heaven half an hour before 
the devil knows you're dead ! [ Irish proverb.]

[And may the odds be ever be in our favor.]